Show results for "Bonnie"
Black Orange's Touch Of Excellence

30/8-2015 Ale Club show
Judge: Peter Van Der Steen
Group Judge: Johan Sanström
BIS judges: Peter Van Der Steen - Johan Sandström - Carina Johansson

30/11-2014 Åby puppyshow (400 puppies all breeds)
Judge: Markus Gisslén
BOB Best In Group 4 puppy (4-15 months)

23/11 Ytterby Clubshow
Judge: Lasse Österlund
BOB Best In Show puppy

8/11-2014 Tångahallen clubshow
Judge: Liz-Beth Carlsson Liljeqvist
BIS Judge Marcus Gisslén
BOB BIG-1 BIS-4 puppy

2/11-2014 Växjö International show
Judge: Ewa Nielsen
BOB puppy (Unfortunately we couldn´t stay for the finale)

19/10-2014 Hallands kennelklubb
Judge: Johnny Nilsson
BOB Best In Group 2 puppy

28/9-2014 Södra Älvsborgs kennelklubb
Judge: Lasse Österlund
BOB Best In Group 1 puppy

7/9-2014 Ale Brukshundklubb
Judge: Peter Van Der Steen
BIS-judge: Peter Healey, UK
BOB Best In Show puppy (in huge competition, 31 BOB puppies all breed, in the final)

6/9-2014 Skottefederationens Clubshow
Judge: Peter Van Der Steen
BOB BIG-1 Best In Show puppy


Bonnie BIG-4
Bonnie BIG-2 at Hallands kennelclub 19/10-14
Bonnie BIS-puppy under judge Peter Healey, UK