Backamo 24/8-2013
Jugde: Kitty Sjong, Denmark
Borås International 30/6-2012
Judge: Iren Naarits, Estonia
Gothenburg International 6/1-2012
BB-2 CAC (too young for Reserv-Cacib)
Judge: Göran Bodegård, Sweden
The Swedish Poodleclubs show in Varberg 12-11-2011
BOB BIG-1 Best In Show-3 puppy
Judge: Lars Hammar, Sweden
BIS judge: Eva Eriksson, Sweden
Växjö International 6/11-2011
BOB CAC (In very hard competition, BB-2 the Swedish Top Pom 2011)
Judge: Boo Lundström, Sweden
Hallands Kennelkclub 23/10-2011
BOB BIG-2 Junior
Judge: Anette Edlander, Sweden
Södra Älvsborg Kennelclub 1/10-2011
BOB BIG-1 Best In Show puppy
Judge: Lasse Österlund, Sweden
BIS judge: Henrik Skog, Sweden
Sofiero 10/9-2011
BOB Best In Show 2 puppy
Judge. Zidy Munsterheilm-Ehnberg, Finland
BIS Judge: Jens Karlsson, Sweden
Mark Clubshow 4/9-2011
BOB Best In Show 2 puppy
Judge: Marie Ljungqvist and Henrik Skog, Sweden
Backamo 28/8-2011
BOS puppy
Judge: Karl-Erik Johansson, Sweden
Warberg Clubshow 13/8-2011
BOB Best In Show 2 puppy
Judge: Lars Hammar, Sweden
Tvååker International 16/7-2011
BOB puppy
Judge: Marianne Holmli, Norway
SSUK Borås 3/7-2011
BOB Best In Show -2 puppy
Judge: Eli-Marie Klepp, Norway
BIS judge: Dr György Tesics, Hungary
Pomeranian Speciality Show 2/6-2011
Judge: Chaivat Tangkaravakun, Thailand. Thank you Toby/Tokie Poms
Västra Kennelclubbs Puppy/Junior show, Västkustvalpen 29/5-2011
BOB, Best Puppy 4-6 months, Best in Show 2
Judge: Inga-Lill Svanstedt, Sweden
Best Puppy judge: Lars Hammar, Sweden
BIS judge: Agneta Pamp, Sweden
Borås Södra Älvsborg Kennelclub Show 15/5-11
BOB BIG 1 Best In Show 2 puppy
Judge: Marie Ljungquist, Sweden
BIS Judge: Carina Ris, Sweden